  • kinkaku
  • Kinkaku

    Jurakudai, the golden hall built at the end of the 16th century, disappeared within seven years.
    In 18th century France, the Palace of Versailles flourished with its lavishness.
    Kinkaku displays a wondrous contrast of two different styles of beauty.
    The Japanese-style room was created in the image of jurakudai of the Azuchi Momoyama period.
    The tokobashira features a makie scroll and a gold-leaf wall.
    Two European rooms are decorated in grand King Louis style: the dining room with its wall display of goburan tapestry and the bedroom, both of which are filled with furniture and fixtures custom-made by Parisian craftsmen.
    The splendor of Baroque is the taste for gold.

  • kinkaku
  • shochikubai
  • misu
  • ougi
  • hana
  • tori
  • urushi
  • kaze
  • tsuki
  • ginkaku
  • kinkaku